Monday, May 31, 2010

The End of an Era

This morning I asked Morgan if she wanted pancakes or french toast for breakfast. Normally a toddler would choose one or will repeat the last thing they hear. This morning, when I asked that question, Morgan's reply was, "both." This was the moment I realized she has reached one of my favorite milestones. She is formulating her own thoughts and asserting her opinion. You know this stage, most people refer to is as the terrible twos. Call me crazy but so far this is my favorite age. From a psychological standpoint I find it fascinating. This needless baby is figuring out what she wants and is now communicating it to me. It makes me think about all the developmental growth her brain has gone through over the past two years. She is becoming her own person and I have the privileged of witnessing this miracle. It can be frustrating when I tell her it's bed time and her reply is, "No! I don't like bedtime!!" I teach my children that it is acceptable to voice their opinion, but we still have boundaries and everyone has to do things they don't feel like doing. One thing stood out about today's epiphany. Morgan is my youngest of four children. When the others reached this stage I always had another baby to enjoy nurturing while I moved into a new phase with my older children. It breaks my heart a little bit knowing I will never experience this stage again. It's alright though, in a few years I will need all my strength to deal with the next era. AHHHH TEENAGERS!!